Today, one of the big questions amidst the errors within the prophetic movement is - Why do we need prophecy? Some pastors and leaders think it would be easier to shut it down than build it up. But, the Bible is very clear: "Do not scoff at prophecies". 1 Thes. 5:20, NLT. Sadly, many pastors and leaders choose to rebel against this very clear Biblical command. Yes, command. We are not to despise, mock, scoff at, or hold in contempt prophecies.

Why is this? Why is prophecy so valuable? To understand the reason we need prophecy, we must learn what the Bible teaches regarding prophecy. The prophet Amos, who said he was neither a prophet nor a son of the prophets, regarding prophets and prophecy, said this: "Certainly the Lord GOD does nothing Unless He reveals His secret plan To His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7, NASB. God does nothing before, until, and unless He reveals what He is doing to His prophets. This is a sure thing. You can bank on it.
Prophecy is valuable because it is a revelation of what God is doing in our day. We need to know what God is saying about what He is doing today. Sadly, much of the Church sits in the darkness because we have snuffed out the light. How? By despising prophecies. Much of the Church is holding prophecy in contempt rather than in high regard, even among prophets. This shouldn't be happening. We must start valuing prophecy; we must value what God is saying to us today.
When we value the Word of the Lord, we find the value of the Word of the Lord. We start holding His Word in high regard. Why do we need to hold the Word of the Lord in such high regard.? Because the original sin of Mankind was to despise what God said. Adam and his wife choose to disobey a clear instruction from God:
"Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Gen. 2:16, 17.
Instead, Mankind chose to believe a lie: "And the Serpent said to the Woman, 'You shall not really die'." Gen. 3:4, Aramaic Bible in Plain English. Mankind, at this moment, chose to despise what God said and chose to hold in esteem what Satan said. From the beginning, the battle has been over that singular issue. And it is the same today.
Yes, there are a host of issues with prophecy. But without prophecy, we are in the dark. I would rather have some light than no light at all. The Dark Ages were dark. Why? Because of the absence of light; they lacked God's Word. The Scriptures were hidden from the people. Today, we are in our own dark ages. Yet, we do not realize it. We think we have the light. Why is that? Because, like Adam and the Woman, we are deceived.
But the absence of God's voice is clear in the Church. Many claim to hear God. Many claim to speak for God. But the reality is far less evident than it should be. John Loren Sandford, who doesn't consider himself to be a prophet, and whose father wrote, The Elijah Task, has stated on his Facebook page that approximately 10% of the prophecies given to him have come to pass. My own story has been much different.
I have been blessed by a trail of true prophecies. From the moment I was born again to today, my life has been shaped by prophecy. In 1988, I received my first prophecy from Rick Renner, who also laid hands on me. In that prophetic word, he confirmed God's calling on my life, and I was given specific instructions on what I was to do to prepare for that calling. Shortly thereafter, I received a prophecy from Rusty Russell and Bob. Those prophecies provided great encouragement to me.
In 1989, I moved back to Illinois from attending college in Iowa at the University of Iowa. I was aimless. I didn't know what to do. From 1989 to 1991, I was involved in an abusive church pastored by an authoritarian man. Then, I met a true prophet, Tom Slone. Tom Slone prophesied over my life. And he did more, he also created in me a hunger for the Word of the Lord. I learned the Scripture: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matt. 4:4.
My life was transformed through the power of the prophetic word. I was a changed man. I learned to listen for God's voice in every situation. I would spend hours waiting on God for His voice. Since then, I have grown in my hunger for God's voice. I love when God speaks. Why? Because God's voice is liberating. When I hear voices contrary to God's voice, I cringe. It is like hearing a screeching cat or fingernails being drawn across a chalkboard.
I learned to discern God's voice by remaining in the purity of His voice. I have written 3 books on the subject of prophets and prophecy. My purpose in writing those books was to bring others into the true benefit prophecy offers when it is done the right way. Yes, there is a right way to do prophecy and a wrong way. Too often, prophecy is done the wrong way. When prophecy is done the wrong way, it moves from a blessing to something else.
Today, I see many prophets who are using threats through prophecy. Although I believe prophets can and should move into the realm of judgment. Often, it is done far too quickly. And it is done out of a wrong heart. When prophecy is done from a wrong heart, it moves into the realm of manipulation, domination, and control. It moves into the realm of witchcraft. That is the true Jezebel spirit that the prophetic movement is facing, and has faced - The Jezebel within.
Yes, a major correction is needed in today's prophetic movement. God is faithful to judge prophecy. Irrespective, our responsibility is to not despise prophecies. We must humble ourselves, recognize our need for true prophecy, and received the benefits of true prophecy. We have been given a tremendous gift in prophecy, but with that gift comes greater responsibility. That is the missing piece of the prophetic equation.
Why prophecy? Because we need it. Prophecy offers us light in a dark, dreary world; it brings hope, health, and healing. As such, let's make sure that the light we are receiving is truly light. Light, if it is truly light, cannot be hidden; it is very visible. The same is true with prophecy; it is easily recognizable as being true in the midst of error. Nevertheless, we are commanded to "[p]rove all things; hold fast that which is good." 1 Thes. 5:21.
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