In 2003, I published my book, Entering the School of the Prophets. In that book, I detail the training process for those called into the prophetic office. I describe the 5 different types of prophets and 5 different schools of prophets. I describe the 3 main schools of prophets that prophets must pass to be ordained as prophets. The 2 other schools of prophets are for those called to be senior prophets, e.g. fathering prophets, or prophets to nations.

This blog post is not a recap of what I wrote in my book. For anyone called into the prophetic office, especially those called to be fathering prophets or prophets to nations, I highly recommend getting my book, Entering the School of the Prophets. Although I don't go in-depth on what senior prophets and prophets to nations are, I provided a solid foundation for both. I plan to write 2 more books on senior prophets and prophets to nations. 

This post is to speak to what is being called schools of prophets today. It seems many are trying to form schools of prophets without understanding the reality of what a school of prophets is. A school of prophets is not a 3-day conference series where you learn to prophesy. A school of prophets is not audio teachings where you can plug and play teachings on prophetic ministry and "be activated" to prophesy. A school of prophets is more than a 6-month course that you take to learn to prophesy.

A "school of prophets" is a Biblical term, which is derived from the term "sons of the prophets", 2 Kgs. 6:1, which were also called "companies of prophets". I Sam 19:20. A school of prophets is a company of prophets where prophets gather together to build prophetic communities. In understanding schools of prophets, we must also understand what a senior prophet is. A senior prophet oversees a school(s) of prophets.

Why is it important we understand where schools of prophets originate? Unless we understand how a school of prophets originates, it will be impossible to build a school of prophets. One must be called to build a school of prophets. Or one must be ordained to lead a school of prophets. That is how schools of prophets were built. A senior prophet(s) would lead other prophets into a place of prophetic community where they could grow in the grace of walking and living in the prophetic flow.

There is a prophetic flow. When we are in a place where there is a prophetic flow as prophets, we grow in our calling as prophets. Prophets need prophetic communities, and prophetic communities need to be connected to a senior prophet. Without that, we cannot enter into the fullness of the prophetic office. That is the Scriptural pattern for schools of prophets. It is those schools of prophets of which this blog post is written.

I have seen schools of prophets in the process of being built. I have also seen prophetic communities being built. Often as prophetic communities grow, they become stagnant; they get stuck in one place and do not move on with the Spirit of God. If that happens, those schools begin being dismantled. Usually, a struggle for position and power takes place. Unfortunately, I have seen this happen many times in my journeys as a senior prophet. 

So, a school of prophets is a place where a deep well of prophecy originating from Heaven has been opened to create a prophetic flow on earth amidst a prophetic community. In schools of prophets, the prophecy of scripture, 1 Pet. 1:20, is considered the highest prophecy. Scripture is considered sacred and holy. 2 Tim. 3:15, 16. Prophets study Scripture and seek God in the midst of genuine schools of prophets.

Lest anyone think this is just an Old Testament phenomenon, I want to point to Acts 13:1-3. What happened at Antioch? At Antioch, "certain prophets and teachers" gathered together. Among those gathered in Antioch were Barnabas and Saul (Paul). Also in Antioch with Barnabas and Saul was Simeon (aka Niger), Lucius, and Manaen. Amidst these five elders was a community of believers committed to seeking God. This was a prophetic school and community.

The same thing happened at the formation of the church. Acts 1:13-15. The 11 apostles, Mary (Jesus's mother), and 100+ people were gathered together, given to prayer, and sought God for instructions on what to do. From that place of community, common unity, and communion with God and each other, God moved to build His church. 

Please understand: what happened at Jerusalem and Antioch was an expression of genuine apostolic ministry; leaders were gathered to be sent. The difference between Jerusalem and Antioch: the calling on those who built it. Apostles formed what took place in Jerusalem. Prophets formed what took place in Antioch. Jerusalem became the governing hub of the church. Antioch became the missionary hub of the church. Interestingly, the church in Antioch remains to this day.

I believe in schools of prophets. But I don't want the cheap substitute being offered today. I want the real thing. I believe we must grow in our understanding of schools of prophets to see them established in our day. For that to happen, we must increase in our knowledge and understanding of the prophetic office. That is part of the purpose of this blog: to create an environment where prophets can gather to hear God and speak to one another.

As a senior prophet, I intend on bringing forth greater revelation of the prophetic office and ministry. I believe this is an essential element of schools of prophets: we must understand what a prophet is called to do, spheres and realms of prophetic callings, assignments and mandates on certain types of prophets, the deeper things within the prophetic office (counsels of God, watchman assignments, governing over nations, prophesying justice, bringing judgment and correction, confronting sin and bringing forth a righteous remnant, etc.).

The truth is: today's prophetic movement has experienced limited prophetic ministry confined to basic personal prophecy. And that is good. But there is more, so much more, that we are called to experience as prophets. It is my hope that this channel can lead the way to prophets experiencing more of what the prophetic office is called to be. 

I believe a generation of prophets is arising who yearns for that deeper understanding of the prophetic office; they yearn for more. I believe more is available and will be offered on this blog where multiple prophets are given voice to declare, "Thus says the Lord". May God bless what is being done through this blog to establish His will on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

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