There is a violent sound spreading through our nation; it is a divine call to establish justice in the land once again. Many are thinking about overthrowing our government and casting off restraint. A silent revolution is brewing and starting to appear in the form of two movements, one is a justice movement and the other a lawlessness movement. Never before have the sides been so clear or the divide so great. 

Our nation is at a unique period in its history. We have reached a critical inflection point in our nation's destiny. For us to survive, we must learn to do justice and establish sound judgment. God is calling us to arise and stand in the gap and fill the breach being created by a mass mob of the discontented. The seeds of discontent are sprouting and producing weeds of rebellion designed to choke the life of the emerging justice movement.

Our greatest enemy is our own distraction to the occupation of the rebellious. We must not cast off restraint. We must allow ourselves to be yoked with the mind of Christ. We must establish true justice and judgment for every man, woman and child in America. But, for this to happen, hard choices must be made, and those in positions of power held accountable for their action, the good and bad. 

Corruption in all forms must be rooted out of its secret place. The hearts of men exposed for the corruption of sin contained therein. And, we must return to our roots, moral, ethical, fiscal and spiritual. We must arise in a faith not shaken by the seeds of discontent or the storms of life. No! We must establish ourselves on the sure foundation of the unshakable and indivisible Christ.

There is an urgent need for clarity of voice amongst the prophetic community. Prophets must clear their voice so they might be heard. Our nation is in a time of trouble, a trial of humanity, such as that that has not been seen in seventy years. And, prophetic voices are emerging to present the clarion call of Christ. But, enough is not being done. 

Personal preferences and privilege must be cast aside and we must devote our first love and preoccupation to the person of Christ. Only Christ can sustain a true justice movement and at the same time quell the spirit of lawlessness in this nation. The spirit of lawlessness proceeds from the pit and is designed to promote the person and system of the anti-Christ.  

Christ is the only rock able to stand against the onslaughts of this hellish system. Against Him, the gates of hell shall not prevail. Christ will never falter or fail. He will not waiver in the face of discontent. He will not fail in the face of moral, spiritual or fiscal bankruptcy. Of Him, it has been said, He shall never fail. We would do well to take heed to history's lessons and learn this blessed truth.

To do this, we must live and move and have our being in Him. Christ must be our center. Irrespective of our political allegiances, we must align ourselves with person and work of Christ. Only then, can we begin to establish justice and judgment. Only then, will we hear the call of justice that is ringing from the heights of heaven. Then shall it be said, that "the heavens declare the glory of God."

With men, this is impossible. But, not with God, for He is the master of the impossible. He designs dreams. He is an unshakable hope and anchor in the middle of the storms of life. Lean on Him. Listen to Him. Learn from Him. I challenge you to cast off your rags of unrighteousness and put on God's holy armor - i.e. the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation and sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

This is how the emerging justice movement will gain strength and go global. So many are seeking justice today that a spark to ignite the flame is all that is needed at this time. Will you be that one who stands up against injustice and chooses a higher call toward justice, righteousness and peace? If so, then you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this.

To you, I say, arise. Enter your position in Christ. Demonstrate the gospel by demanding the exaltation of Christ. Do not let the hegemons of today prevent you from entering into the fullness of your purpose in Christ. We are on the cusp of significant changes such as our world has not seen in a long time. And, those who understand it, will benefit by it.

This the power of prophetic insight into the purposes and plans of God. We must not be ignorant of Him. And, we must not be ignorant of the devil's devices. We must have a balanced approach: trust but verify. We must verify that what is being said is accurate, and we must not allow any voice to deter us from teaching or receiving sound doctrine.

In truth, one of the greatest issues facing the church today is the absence of healthy teaching. Without sound teaching, no true justice movement can arise, prophetic or otherwise, and lawlessness will inevitably be our lot. True justice demands sound doctrine, and sound doctrine demands solid teaching - teaching that reveals  the person and work of Jesus Christ. 

It is sound teaching, teaching backed by the revelation of the person and work of Christ, that creates a truly blessed and civilized society. Civilization breaks down first in its relationship with Christ before it breaks down. Civilization that are not founded on revelation of and relationship with Christ are doomed to end in destruction. Its inevitability is written within the pages of history.

America's great experiment was to found itself on the rock of the revelation and relationship with Christ. Hence, its strength. When it removed itself from this sure footing, it became doomed to repeat history. What has doomed us is not the solid upstanding people walking main street but rather the greedy goons on Wall Street and corrupt cons utilizing Court Street.

For America to enter into its habitation of rest, it must reestablish justice. And for justice to reemerge within society, there must be a resounding prophetic call springing forth from the Church. A life giving flow of grace to deter people from being bogged down from life's true reality through the human rat race: survival of the fittest and gorging of the fattest.

American obesity is a sign of something worse than a physical health problem, in reality it reveals our collective spiritual state, one in which we have succumbed to the status quo of greed. The desire for more consumes many in America. For America to emerge from its ashes, a true fast must be called by a prophetic church living a truly fasted life. 

This is the prophetic call for true justice that must emerge in our day: to see the restoration of the vision and values that made our nation great. Without this prophetic trumpet, we will remain destitute in the grip of the limitations of weak willed leadership that has no backbone. For leaders with true grit and backbones of steel, they must be forged in mills containing divine fire.

For national restoration, divine fire is a necessity. Elijah understood this reality. In his famous battle with the false prophets of baal and ashtaroth, where the people were caught betwixt two opinions, only heaven's fire could purge the conscience and reveal that opinion which was true. We, too, are caught in the grip of opinions, many opinions.

We are living in a time in history where the appearance has been given that all opinions carry the same weight and are of the same value. This is the final state prior to despotism, for when there is no bedrock of belief, people can never know the difference between right and wrong. But, it is in fighting this battle over right and wrong that we obtain truth, and find liberty. 

Tyranny can only bend its iron grip around those caught within its grasp. The grasp of every tyrant depends on the acquiescence of the people. People who believe in nothing will never fight against tyranny. So, for tyranny to prosper, faith must be stolen. When enough have lost faith, tyrants and tyranny emerge. This is the core issue facing the American people.

So, the battle between faith, belief and opinion is an epic struggle. It has consumed the hearts of a nation, for voice has not yet been given to the side of faith. Ah, but that is changing. And, a generation is emerging that can recognize chaff from wheat, for they have seen the fires of futility by seeking that which is temporary. Instead, their quest is for the eternal.

What opportunity! An genuine opportunity to reach others with heaven's reality surrounds us. True prophetic voices recognize this opportunity, one which history teaches is limited. We must walk through this open door and emerge from the other side bearing the gift of true justice and righteousness. If we do, our nation can be turned back to righteousness, peace and joy. If not, we will find ourselves on the trash heap of fallen nations.

The choice is ours, the lines have been drawn and a clear crisp question is being presented to us: "who will you serve?" What say you? Choose you this day. Ah, the toughest and brightest words in the Bible. Choice, no other religion offers or values it. Instead, other religions seek to deny it. But, Christ defends it. Christ establishes it. Christ calls for it, yes, demands it.

This is the epic struggle taking place in our day - a battle of will. The fight for right is never a wrong struggle. Rather, it is a noble quest reserved for those who have heard its clarion call - the prophetic call for true justice. 

When a man or woman has heard this clear righteous sound, they can never been deterred from its quest, and will, with patience, seek it with resolve. A generation is emerging that will seek, and find, this emerging sound and call for true justice. And, I believe when this clarion call is heard, it will awaken a sleeping giant, a Church set ablaze with the gospel of the risen Christ.
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