I believe that our best and brightest promise lies before us not behind us, if we can return to those things that made our nation great. America wasn't made great by its abundant resources. America wasn't made great by its economic might. America wasn't made great by the size of its population. No, America was made great by the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its people.

Today, looking across the landscape of America, I see a much greater problem that the debt crisis or the deficit. What I see is a wasted generation looking for direction that is lacking from the place that has been provided to give it. We are allowing a generation to pass without infusing it with the values and virtues that made our nation great: 1) prayer and 2) inner genius.

America's strength isn't in its government. America's strength isn't even in its Constitution. No, America's strength is in its people. But, we have forgotten who we are and what made our country great. We haven't been looking into the mirror to see the real Potter living on the inside of us. So, instead we seek to control others in much the same way as the Harry Potter generation - witchcraft and fear.

To combat these things, we need strong prophetic voices that will call our nation to return to its founding values: the ideas of freedom, liberty, the Word of God and prayer. America has always been a praying nation filled with praying people. Our roots in prayer sink deep. We were founded upon the prayers of those who came first upon our shores and their understanding of God's word.

Some may be looking to Washington, D.C. to solve our problems. Some may be looking to the courts to solve our problems. But, I like Joshua state, "As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord." But, we must also recognize that faith is waning. People are turning to the counterfeit, even though in reality they are looking for the real. A whole generation is being spoon fed witchcraft in the form of Harry Potter. And, a witch's brew is stirring. 

The false promise of the false prophetic is causing millions to imagine what it would be like to cast spells to gain control over the lives of others. We are being inundated by the Harry Potter revolution. And, by and large, the church doesn't have an answer to the counterfeit Potter. Why? Because we don't know the true Potter, our Potter. And, our Potter is nothing like Harry Potter.

God is our Potter. He is the one who is seeking to make us into an unbeatable army of believers. We are called to be a generation that seeks His face. How can we catch a glimpse of the face of God? We must let go of our fear so that we can catch a glimpse of the face of the glory of God. What will happen? We will be forever changed and charged with a new holy commission. What will our new commission be? To reach the Harry Potter generation with the True Potter.

A whole generation, the Harry Potter generation, has been initiated into the false supernatural; they believe. The church by and large has been indoctrinated against the true supernatural for fear of the false supernatural; we don't believe, and in some cases we don't want to believe, we like things just the way they are. This is one of the major issues preventing us from reaching the Harry Potter generation.

How can we get past our fears and start to recognize our own need for faith? By understanding that millions of hungry hearts are searching for truth, and we have the truth they are searching for. We must choose to believe in the power of the truth that we possess. We must let go of our unbelief and face our fears that prevent the performance of great feats - miracles.

This is the promise of the true prophetic, a fearless group of miracle minded men and women. God give us prophets that have a true voice that rings true. God raise up men and women filled with Holy Spirit of Living God. God raise up a generation who will believe to see the goodness of God in the land of the living. God grant us a prophetic generation that will stretch and reach across our nation from sea to shining sea.

The strength of the true prophetic voice is the light that it brings and the revelation that it shares. Prophets bring more than the residue of yesterday's words, or even a glimmer of tomorrow's promise, true prophets bring a true revelation of Jesus Christ. Christ is our beacon: He is our hope and our rock. If this is true in our lives, then we can be beacons to the coming generation

Touching the Harry Potter generation will require supernatural signs and wonders. The church today needs some special effects, which can and should have much better special effects than those offered by Hollywood. The church must bring its A game. We must offer something greater than the false light, if we want to touch the Harry Potter generation.

How do we get there from here? By first understanding Bible basics. How can the Harry Potter generation hear the good news without a preacher? And, how can those called to touch the Harry Potter generation reach them with the good news if they are not sent. As the great Apostle said, "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things."

What good things do real preachers bring? Miracles, signs and wonders. We must remember the business we are to be about: our Father's business. The great business of preaching and demonstrating the gospel has not stopped nor shall it ever till Christ returns. The great promise for prophetic preachers is that we shall see the hearts of men and women, young and old, rich and poor turn to Christ. 

God and Sons miracle, signs and wonders business is open for business. The True Potter is looking for willing vessels to carry His power. Will you be a yielded vessel? Will you extend your hands and hearts to touch the Harry Potter generation with the power of the Father. If so, then you have entered the great prophetic promise of the last days ministry: training a prophetic generation to administer the voice of Almighty God.

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