Prophecy has been a source of tremendous encouragement and strength in my life. Through prophecy, I have been healed and delivered from major issues that held me in bondage. I have learned much about myself, and others, through the ministry of accurate prophetic words by mature men and women of God.

Because I have experienced the power of genuine prophecy, I am concerned by the absence of power among prophets and prophetic ministry today. I see many words falling to the ground and failing to come to pass, but attention is not being paid to this fact.

Failed and flawed prophetic words have caused many to question the validity of prophets and prophetic ministry. Many are questioning the relevancy of the prophetic ministry. Prophetic ministry has devolved from powerful to pathetic. We have many many voices, but little power.

Paul said, "I did not come with wise and persuasive words of man's wisdom. But, in demonstration of the Spirit and power, that your faith should not rest in the wisdom of men, but the power of God." God designed prophecy to be a powerful tool in the hands of a prophetic church. We must recover the power that genuine prophecy is designed to release into the church.

We must power up. To power up, we must pray up. To pray up, we must look up. To look up, we must first believe in the one that we are looking up to - Jesus. Genuine faith releases genuine power through genuine prophecy that is undeniable and indelibly imprinted on the lives of those who receive it.

Diluted prophecy creates confusion and doubt; it can causes men and women to turn in the wrong direction - from the Lord to the world. Powerful prophecy turns us from the world to the Lord. Prophets who speak genuine prophecies turn people to the Lord.

This brings me to my point - the question I posed at the beginning of this blog - why prophecy? Simple, we need the power that genuine prophecy brings. We must have a present tense word for right now. We must not rely on yesterday's revelation or tomorrow's promise, we must live in God's presence and power today, right now.

God is not the great I was or the great I will be, but He is the Great I Am. Jesus said, "I am." God revealed Himself to Moses as "I Am that I Am". God did not abandon His people, He reminded them of who He is and of who they were called to be.

I have initiated this blog to harness the power present in genuine prophecy and provide a place for prophets to congregate to hear the voice of God. David said, "The Voice of the Lord is upon the waters: The God of Glory Thunders". We need this thundering voice of God. We need the power that genuine prophecy brings. God deliver us from those that would rob and steal from us the power that genuine prophecy brings.

It is my hope that you will be blessed by this blog that is hosted at I would also like to recommend my bookstore that is being built for prophets - You can also visit my website at

In 1987, God called me into the prophetic office. Since 1991, I have functioned as a prophet to the nations. God has allowed me to minister accurate prophetic words that are shaping our nation, history and generation. We are at a pivotal time in our history. For this reason, let's make the decision to function at peak power by understanding, valuing and plugging in to the power of accurate prophetic ministry.

I want to encourage everyone called to prophetic ministry - do better and discern better. Make sure that you are speaking with His voice. How can you tell? Watch and observe. Let the fruit of what we say be our next basic and best investigation. God confirms the word of His servant.

May this blog be life-changing and life-altering. Into God's hands I commit it. Be blessed.

Scott Wallis

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